Continuing Closure

My name is Catherine Mellen.  A few years ago, I stood up, I spoke up and I shattered my silence on childhood trauma, family secrets and the monstrous predator my birth mother harbored. 

Walking into my hometown police department thirty-seven years later, was one of the most hardest things I ever did in my adult life. 

Detectives found the tunnel-like hole dug into the cellar wall of my childhood home, but due to a frail foundation and falling rocks, getting fully inside proved to be difficult for the detectives of the Lowell Police Department. 
But this is the year 2024 and I do believe that all things buried will one day resurface. 

I’ve come to realize that the hardest thing to do in my adult life is this right here…. Continuing with my fight for closure.
Don’t worry, I won’t stop until the little girl I once was and my abusers victims prior to 1975 and after 1981, are heard, known and served justice.  Because we all deserve it ♡

You can find my horrifying and heartbreaking true story in my two-part memoir: 
A Childhood Tragedy Under A Mother’s Watch: Part One 1975-1982
A Life Given To Me: Part Two 1982-2019

I also write poetry, comical short stories and more.  You can find me on Amazon, Goodreads and NFB Publishing

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